High School Clubs & Activities
CPA High School offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities to support student growth and development during and outside of the school day.
Student Council: Students from across grades 9-12 are elected by their peers to serve as representatives and officers on Student Council. Student council meets weekly throughout the school year, and is responsible for planning programs and events such as dances, spirit week, and athletics concessions.
Model United Nations: In Model UN, students serve as delegates to a mock UN Conference and address important global issues such regional conflicts, women and children, peacekeeping, human rights, economic and social development, and the environment.
Theater Arts: Annually, students in CPA’s drama department put on a play or a musical. Students can participate as actors or by being part of the production team, which is responsible for set design and construction, costume preparation, publicity, stage makeup and hair, sound, lights, and stage management.
Conflict Resolution: Students who serve as Peer Mediators receive conflict resolution training from graduate students at the Hamline Mitchell School of Law, and then apply those skills by helping fellow classmates resolve and learn from interpersonal disputes peacefully and respectfully.
After School Clubs: Students can explore enrichment activities in academics and the arts through after school programs. Recent offerings have included Cheer Club, Dungeons and Dragons Club, Art Club, GSA, Cheer Club, and Homework Club.
MSHSL Athletics: CPA High School is a member of the Minnesota State High League’s East Minnesota Athletic Conference. Student athletes can participate in competitive athletics in Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, and Boys Soccer (fall); Girls and Boys basketball (winter); and Girls Badminton (spring).