Community of Peace Academy News
On Tuesday March 25, 11th grade students will take the ACT exam at CPA instead of follo...
Update: The CPA Carnival has been resheduled for Saturday March 8!All are invited to jo...
Update: The Carnival has been rescheduled for March 8, and the online auction is extend...
On Friday February 7, PreK-4th grade students do not have school; 5th-12th grade studen...
The final day of semester 1 is Thursday January 16. There is no school on Friday Januar...
Join us on Wednesday January 15 from 5-7pm in the RGA for College & Knowledge Night...
The CPA Kindergarten Open House is Thursday January 9 from 5-7pm. Come and learn w...
Please join us for the CPA Winter Program on Wednesday December 11 at 6pm in the RGA! T...
We have two early release days this month: Friday, December 13 and Friday December 20. ...
Give to the Max Day is a celebration of generosity all throughout the state of Minnesot...
This is a reminder that due to Thanksgiving Break, there is no school Wednesday Novembe...
There is no school on Thursday November 14 for elementary students (PreK-4th Grade) due...
CPA’s Multicultural Celebration will take place on Tuesday, November 19 from 6-7:30pm i...
On Friday November 8, PreK-4th grade students do not have school; 5th-12th grade studen...
As a reminder, there is no school on Thursday October 17 or Friday October 18 due to ME...
CPA Elementary is excited about welcoming a therapy dog to visit with our student...
On Monday September 30, PreK-4th grade students do not have school; 5th-12th grade stud...
Friday September 20 and Friday September 27 are Early Release Days. Students will be di...
CPA's picture day is on Wednesday September 18. Families can order photos using the ins...
On Tuesday September 10 at 6pm there will be a virtual Informational meeting about the ...
Please join us for Community of Peace Academy’s Meet the Teacher Event on Thursday Augu...
Wednesday August 14th12-4pm1019 Payne Avenue
We are excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year. Below you will find the school ...
We are pleased and honored to announce that Community of Peace Academy ...
Mark your calendars! The 2024 CPA Walk/Run will take place on Saturday May 11 at the Ph...